Yes! I’ve had similar reactions. What you wrote is so true! This was helpful and well-written! I enjoyed this ☺️

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Well of course I have to chime in with a quote of Bilbo's from The Fellowship of the Ring script; "It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life." :-) I wholeheartedly agree. I love seeing and experiencing other places, but I love my cozy home.

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As you know, I am writing a book (along with everyone else, it seems) about living out of a backpack for a year. I've already decided what I'm putting in the foreword, T.S. Eliot's quote,

“We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time."

Because that's what I found out....coming home was the best. Standing firm where we are planted and having that feeling of satisfaction wash over us.

What the women writing those #cronelife articles never mention is the boredom that comes with long-term travel -- it's hard to sustain curiosity and energy when so much of our daily routine is taken away from us, and all we have is a fire hose of instagrammable experiences.

I, for one, am also ready to stay home. Unfortunately, my husband still has the itch to travel, so we'll be packing our bags in another couple of months....

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I kind of go back and forth with wanting to travel and stay at home. I don’t travel with just a backpack. I’m a planner that plans and re plans so I make sure I have everything I need or might need. When I go a place outside or to a cafe to write I take more than enough supplies. I love to write longhand so many pens and notebooks.

I like your attitude about staying home. I do feel like this also.

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