Jun 14Liked by Laura K Bray

Eighth grade is rough, and I think it always has been and always will be. You and I have always found solace in books! I love this about us. Thanks for bringing me along for the ride.

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Thanks for sharing your stories too! I loved reading your post.

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Mrs. Fowler sounds like a real gem. I wonder if she's still alive and if you'd consider sending your letter to her.

I read The Outsiders for the first time last year. It had a real impact on my son when he read it when he was in 8th or 9th grade. I can understand why. Those feelings are universal, though we assume (even beyond Jr. High School) that we're the only ones feeling left out and everyone else knows some secret we'll never figure out.

I might actually have a yearbook with me so I'll take a look. One thing I do remember is that when I went to college and other people looked at my yearbook, they'd point out the not-so-cool guys and talk about how good looking they were. Same with some of the girls. It was an eye opener. Literally.

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I tried to find her online but Fowler is a popular last name and I can't seem to locate her. The Outsiders is a great book. I wonder if reading it as an adult would be different for me?

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I love this so much! My sanctuary was any choral music class. My teacher Mr. Kelley was a bit odd, so I wouldn't say I had a close bond with him on a personal level, but he pushed me to challenge myself in ways that let me know he had a confidence in me that I certainly didn't. I remember that and am so thankful for it now.

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I didn't have a close bond with Ms. Fowler either-but she certainly put me on a path that has led me to the place I am now.

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Boy I wish I had a jr. high year book to look back on. Only high school year books on my shelf. But I have gone back to them from time to time. I still laugh at the hairdos that were so large and “ratted” up they are out of the picture frames. We had gangs in my school, dopers, Chicanos, rich dairy people and some very poor people. But you can’t see all that in my year books. I wrote about my favorite teacher in one of my substack post.

Thank you for more ideas to write about in the future.

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I'll go back and read about your favorite teacher on your Substack.

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What a touching letter to a lovely teacher who made such an impact in your life. I was fortunate to connect to a college professor of mine who inspired my dedication to WWI poetry. It's so nice to remember those teachers who made a difference.

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Well I know you are among Olivia's teachers who made a difference in her life, so keep that in mind too! You definitely paid it forward.

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